Art of Dlela Lombard
Tao Rebirth
"The Breath, or Spirit, of the Deep is imperishable. It is called the Azure (Heaven) and the Mother (Earth).
The passage through which these Two Influences emerge and enter is called the root of the visible creation. They are ceaseless in action as though permanent, and may be used without ever being exhausted.
Photobased Digital Painting with own works and Leonardo Da Vinci Studies of the Fetus in the Womb - It was upscaled from its masterfile tif with 4896x3264 pixel at 300 dpi and edited further into a new printing file PNG with 11881x7875 pixel at 300 dpi; it can therefor be stretched into bigger sizes.
NFT Tao Rebirth
'Tao Rebirth NFT with its printable digital asset - every moment you are born, decay, and die.. in every moment, the illusion of me renews itself.What Is Reborn, if Not the Self'
Title : Tao Rebirth 2
Dimension : 11811x7875 pixels at 300 dpi
Style : Digital Photo Montage
Format : JPG high resolution Edition : 100
Licence : commercial
Price 0.13886 ETH = $500.00
100 in stock
I pay 20% commission fee and for this piece charity 25%
Extinction,the environmental Unconscious
This visionary piece was drawn in 2021 upon an inner psyche image in 2020 about extinction along with the message ‘we are dying out‘ in german.The white figure was drawn into to symbolize the hope as light of consciousness making the darkness conscious.
PNG 1/1 generated from a High End Scan and has 5906x4399 pixel at 300 dpi and can be upscaled further + without loss. Licence : commercial or not
When purchasing art, you are not merely acquiring a physical object or digital asset; you are investing in the profound journey of the artist—their struggles, revelations, and the myriad hours spent honing their craft. Each piece encapsulates the artist's labor, emotional investment, and the timeless dialogue it initiates within humanity, embodying the essence of their experiences, ambitions, and reflections on existence. Thus, the price tags on artworks represent a deep connection to the artist’s life story and the cultural narrative they contribute to, making art a priceless testament to the human experience.